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No male-specific mental health services available.

(Note: There is limited mental health support services in Finland. If you are in an emergency, please contact 112 and ask for the nearest hospital emergency department.)





National emergency number(s): 112


Suomen Mielenterveysseura (MIELI Mental Health Finland)
Phone:  (09) 615 516 (open Mon-Fri 9am - 3pm) (Contact support and assistance in case of crisis)
MIELI Mental Health Finland has provided assistance and support for those dealing with mental health issues and suicide since 1897, and provides crisis assistance and support in order to prevent mental health problems and suicides.


Cri­sis Helpline in Finnish

Tel: 09 2525 0111 (open 24hrs everyday, including public holidays)


Cri­sis Helpline in Ara­bic and Eng­lish

Tel: 09 2525 0113 (Mon, Tue at 11-15, Wed at 13-16 and 17-21. Thu at 10-15)


Cri­sis Helpline in Swedish 

Tel: 09 2525 0112 (Mon, Wed at 16-20, Tue, Thu and Fri at 9-13)


SOS Cri­sis Cen­tre

SOS Crisis Centre offers short term crisis counselling and guidance in crisis situations for anyone living in Finland including immigrants, asylum seekers, victims of human trafficking and undocumented immigrants. We offer crisis counselling in Finnish, Swedish, English and if necessary, through an interpreter in the client’s mother tongue. Counselling is cost free and it’s possible to make the contact anonymous. No referral is needed to book an appointment, only the own experience of crisis is enough. Common reasons for the client to seek help from the SOS centre:

  • Difficult situation in life

  • Difficulties adapting to a new culture

  • Marital relationship problems and family problems

  • Suicidal thoughts

  • Sudden losses

  • Accidents, violence

  • Mental health problems

Crisis service for foreigners / For appointments call
Tel: (09) 4135 0510 (Open on Mon-Thu 9- 12 and 13-15, on Fri 9-12)


Thanks for getting in touch with me! I will respond to you within 24 hours.

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BROS GLOBAL acknowledges the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia as the first inhabitants of this nation and the traditional custodians of the lands where we are established.


BROS GLOBAL recognises diverse communities who, through their lived experiences, help to guide our research, resources and training development for men's mental health, wellbeing and personal development.


BROS GLOBAL respectfully acknowledges those who have died or have been affected by suicide or intentional self-harm. We are committed to ensuring our work continues to inform improvements in both community awareness and prevention of suicide and self-harm.

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