No male-specific mental health services available.
The support for mental health is extremely limited in Indonesia. There is no specific mental health support for men. The stigma is still massive. Evidence suggests that the prevailing social stigma surrounding suicide prevents young people with suicidal thoughts from speaking openly and seeking support. Suicide is still a taboo subject in Indonesia. Suicide victims and survivors are perceived as ‘evildoers’ and their behaviour condemned as deviant. Similarly, research involving families of suicide victims shows that blame is placed on family members and friends for failing to prevent the ‘self-murder’.
BROS suggests that any fellas in Indonesia battling with suicide ideation, to go to your dearest hospital A&E.
EMERGENCY (24 hours 7 days a week)
Police, fire and ambulance: 11
Police : 110
Medical Emergencies (including suicide thoughts): 119
Jakarta Suicide Hotline Squad on duty:
+62 813 14988214 (Alif)
+62 812 87877479 (Bibi)
+62 812 90704035 (Bondhan)
+62 822 46514726 (Novia)
+62 812 85651224 (Sabillah)
West Java Suicide Hotline Squad on duty:
+62 822 46033788 (Ana)
+62 813 12011131 (Ilyas)
+62 813 88818145 (Marsha)
+62 821 37453862 (Tika)
East Java Suicide Hotline Squad on duty:
+62 813 33512967 (Rosa)
+62 813 36388728 (Vini)
+62 812 26436448 (Michael)
+62 822 32048659 (Maria)
+62 821 39237856 (Liyah)
Central Java Suicide Hotline Squad on duty:
+62 812 216388199 (Dias)
+62 812 16388283 (Ega)
+62 812 31319448 (Lusi)
+62 812 25828826 (Early)
+62 812 91081619 (Arin)
Saveyourselves is a community that aims to raise awareness about mental health. Our three main services are education, supportive counselling, and suicide prevention.
Phone: +62 31 5021635 (Open 24 hours)
Address: Manyar Sabrangan, Mulyorejo, Jl. Raya Menur No.120, Kertajaya, Kec. Gubeng, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60282, Indonesia, Province: East Java
Menur Mental Hospital has the task of carrying out mental health efforts efficiently and successfully by prioritizing healing efforts (curative) and rehabilitation (rehabilitation) that are harmoniously carried out and integrated with promotive, preventive and mental health referral services and the implementation of education, training of health workers, research and development in the field of mental health.
Dharmawangsa Mental Health Foundation
Phone: +62 21 7394388
Address: Jl. Darmawangsa Raya No.13, RT.5/RW.2, Pulo, Kec. Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12160, Indonesia, Province: Jakarta
Established in Jakarta in 1961, Sanatorium Dharmawangsa is the oldest private-run mental health clinic in Jakarta and Indonesia.
Starting with only an in-patient facility for 20 persons, the clinic has since grown into a fully-equipped 55-bed sanatorium, which provides a vast range of mental health services, covering ambulatory psychiatric treatments, in-patient services, clinical psychological treatments, social services, as well as various counselling and consultation services.
Indonesian Psychological Healthcare Center – IndoPsyCare
Phone: +622129651163
Equity Tower, 49th Floor Unit B, C, F, Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 52 – 53 SCBD, Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan, 12190, Jakarta, ID, 12190
Here clients are provided psychological treatment that focuses on a single aspect of a problem. A therapy package usually consists of several weekly sessions of this individual appointments. After finishing one therapy package, clients are recommended to take follow-up or monitoring sessions after one month, three months, six months and one year to encourage independence and make sure that the effect of the therapy stays. We also offer psychotherapy sessions for a group of two or three people. The group can consist of people having the same problems or couple or a client and a caregiver.
Tel: +62 21 5700 271
Get Happy Indonesia is an Indonesian non-profit community-based organisation that aims to start conversations and spread knowledge about depression, mental health and happiness. Each month, Get Happy holds at least 1 event or workshop, free of charge, providing access to therapeutic activities or an introduction to a certain type of therapy to maintain good mental health (e.g. art therapy, music therapy, craft therapy, journaling, play therapy, etc.).
sehat-jiwa / HEALTHY SOUL application (Directorate of Mental Health Development)
Download here: http://sehat-jiwa.kemkes.go.id/#download-apps
HEALTHY SOUL application, a free application from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia to provide information about mental health and an easy and fast solution in reporting or checking if there are mental health patients around the community. The app provides information on mental health facilities such as hospitals, health centers, clinics and health offices; Info about mental health problems that are often experienced by the community; anxiety, sleep disorders, psychotic stress, and depression; useful feature to report on the occurrence of pasung and drug addicts; and feature of how to find out signs of a person's mental health begins to be disturbed.
Contact: via website: https://www.intothelightid.org/hubungi-kami/
Formed in May 2013, Into The Light Indonesia Suicide Prevention Community for Advocacy, Research, and Education (SP-CARE) is a community of young people who focus as a center for suicide prevention and education and mental health education in Indonesia. Into The Light Indonesia focuses on reducing stigma in the community towards people who have thought, have tried, or who have died from suicide, and encourage help seeking behavior in the community related to mental health problems. Please note that Into The Light Indonesia does not provide counseling services and is not a 24-hour fast response center.
Depression Warriors Indonesia
Depression Warrior Indonesia is an online support group with a concept 'people help people'. It is established and dedicated for you who comes from any background, age, and interest to join and support each other battling depression. Because caring is healing :) Everyone is encouraged to start and join discussions.
LinkedIn : https://au.linkedin.com/company/jakarta-depression-support-group